One-on-One Coaching/Consulting Services

Career Services

If you’ve recently been laid off, fired or quit, this is a time of uncertainty.

If you are thinking about retirement, but want to create an exciting new adventure in your life.

We work together to develop a plan of action for your next chapter.

Resume Development Services

Most of us haven’t looked at our resume in years, especially if we’ve been in the same role for a long time. We work together and follow the latest trends to build a resume that truly showcases your skills. 

Leadership Development Services

Have you plateaued in your current career, but still love what you do and where you are? You may wonder how can I advance and be recognized. We can enhance your leadership skills and create opportunities for you to be the best version of yourself.

Life Coaching Services

Career and life are tied together no matter what and we work to address how all the changes in your life are affecting you and how best to address any challenges, while also celebrating the successes. 

Energy Leadership Index (ELI)

Using this attitudinal assessment tool we work together to determine how you approach and react to different circumstances and experiences. This knowledge is vital as you move forward into your next role and throughout your career. Learn More about the ELI