I have had the privilege of working with Bill Brubaker for almost 2 years.  Bill is not only highly skilled as a professional coach, he brings extraordinary insight and compassion to his clients.  Bill coached me during my job search and was very insightful by helping me to uncover numerous things or areas that I needed to improve.  Finally, Bill is a man of extremely high integrity.  He always keeps his word and follows up.
— Stanley Wells

, Senior HR Executive
I have been fortunate to have Bill as my executive coach and friend over the last year of my career.  Bill has been a big help for my leadership development, providing a positive impact on me and my development.  He is people-focused and has consistently taught me the importance of leadership delivered with clarity and accountability.
— Dewitt Dees, Principal, P. A. Weiss Leadership Solutions
After just one month of coaching with Bill, my attitude about myself, towards my self-belief and my career was re-grounded. I found myself returning to the same feelings and attitude I had when I encountered change, the same courage to embrace sudden and unexpected change and to move forward by making choices that benefit me and not just others’ objectives. It’s important to emphasise that Bill does not steer me towards making decisions, as in making them for me, but instead has helped me develop ways to deal with situations using my self-awareness and what I already know. Bill has been a great Manager, Coach, Trusted Advisor and valued friend.
— Minty Singh, Learning and Development Professional, United Kingdom