What is Coaching

People seek and participate in a coaching relationship because they want things to be different. They come to coaching in order to be more effective or more satisfied in work or in life. As your coach, I will partner with you and utilize a thought-provoking and creative process to inspire and motivate you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

This specialized process provides:


I will listen, observe and seek to elicit solutions and strategies from YOU and believe that YOU are naturally creative, resourceful, and have the answers. As part of our coaching relationship, I will invite you and support you to be open, curious and accountable to exceed your goals.


I will listen BEYOND what you are saying; I will observe, encourage self-discovery, and customize your approach to meet your needs. Our coaching relationship will be a trusting, professional relationship that is all about you.


I will help you make adjustments, remove roadblocks and support the skills, resources, and creativity you already have. We will engage together in an alliance that brings about the best in YOU.