How To Get Unstuck And Take Forward Action

In times like these, it is easy to get isolated, discouraged and feel "stuck". There are some simple questions you can ask yourself to help eliminate those feelings and take forward action toward a positive future.

What are you doing now about this situation?

What are the results of what you are doing?

Are these what you were hoping for?

What is this telling you?

What will you do differently to get more of what you want?

Based on your responses, here is some advice to be more optimistic.

There are benefits to optimism. Some studies have found that feeling optimistic can help fight stress and improve health, while others have found that optimists earn and save more money.

To build your optimism, try a few things:

  1. Practice gratitude. When you wake up each morning, think of three things you’re thankful for. It only takes a minute and it puts a positive spin on the day. (Also, resist the urge to immediately check the news, which often does the opposite.)

  2. Find ways to make progress toward your goals. Whether you want a new job or you’re launching a new project, taking even small steps forward can give you a larger sense of momentum.

  3. Prioritize connecting with others. Reach out and talk with friends you haven’t seen lately, or send a coworker a note that you’re thankful for them. Social connection, especially in days of social distancing, is one of the top predictors of happiness.

If you want to talk more about building your optimism, please reach out.

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