Five Important Traits That Establish Leadership Trust

Trust is the most important value that leaders have with their team, colleagues and managers to be effective in their role and establish their reputation.

Here are 5 C’s to establish that leadership trust:


One of the foundations of trust is competence in your role while letting people know you are always learning and growing. Your example encourages them to do the same.


Share goals, information, data and insight and be clear about expectations. If you lead honestly and bravely, your team is more likely to follow suit.


If rules and procedures are important, follow them. Inconsistent behavior on your part greatly rocks the needle of your trust "meter." Walk the talk and do what you say.


Respect people, both their time and opinions. Honor their feelings and honor your commitments. Treat all people the same, always.


Care about people. Get to know them individually and allow them to get to know you. Be open to hearing ideas and most importantly, be open to accepting feedback.

Need to work on one of these C’s? Reach out and let’s get on the phone.

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