Networking Made Easier

Networking is one of the most important things we can do when looking for a new job or career. Most new opportunities are discovered or found through networking and it’s often from places we don’t even expect. A friend of a friend, a chance meeting, always be open and looking.

Have realistic expectations. Don't expect too much, especially at first. Persistence is key. It can feel frustrating when results seem slow, but this is more of a marathon than a race.

Take the focus off yourself. Start conversations with "tell me about yourself" or "I would love to hear more.” You still learn, grow and connect with people and by putting your needs second, you have a more organic and real conversation.

Ask people how you can help them and possibly be a resource in their job search.

Practice curiosity. People are interesting and it’s important to be genuinely engaged. Ask about hobbies, families, real-life stuff that always brings people together. Business comes second.

Be yourself. Networking experts can "work a crowd,” but if you aren’t being the real you, you aren’t building any real relationships. Be comfortable in your own skin and find others that are like-minded.

Keep easy questions handy like, "What brings you to this event?" If your questions express sincere interest and you feel confident in asking them, people will talk a lot more.

Take a friend with you. If you can resist the temptation of just hanging out only with your friend, it can increase your resolve to be effective at the event because you don’t feel so alone walking in. It’s another person to bounce ideas off of in a chat and it’s someone you know and trust.

I’d love to help you hone your networking skills, feel free to reach out for a chat.

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